Nine Week Accredited Courses Online

Plant under RGB lights

Photo by Nadya Perera - Introduction to Photography

Our online nine week accredited course offerings allow anyone to undertake specific subjects in our Certificate IV and Diploma Program without having to take the entire course.

Perfect for the beginner looking for a deep dive in photographic skills, those who are unsure if they want to take the full Certificate IV yet, or anyone wanting to hone their craft.



Don’t let life or distance hold you back

Photo by Victor Marillanca

 How is CCP online training done?

We know connection, great teaching, and excellent resources are paramount to any learning experience, so we work our tails off to make that a reality online.

Zoom Conferencing

For a face to face experience, we use Zoom for live workshops. Ask your lecturer questions, make friends and have fun.

Google Classroom

Share work, complete assignments and communicate with your classmates in a clear easy to use digital platform.

The best part? Online study is pandemic proof. Meaning that no matter what happens, you won’t need to change plans at the last minute. Your online classroom is always there for you.

Live nine week classes

Just like a normal face to face class, meet with your lecturer once a week for nine weeks via Zoom and Google Classroom to study any of our nine week accredited courses.